光化学委员会光电化学系列讲座(十九) 2009-10-21

2009-10-21, 13:28    //   学术交流


报告人:Professor Bo B. Iversen
Centre for Energy Materials, Centre for Materials Crystallography and iNANO,
Department of Chemistry, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Prof. Iversen is the Director of Centre for Energy Materials (Danish Strategic Research Council) and Director of Centre for Materials Crystallography (Danish National Research Foundation). Since 2006, he is a chairman of the commission on charge, spin and momentum densities under the European Crystallographic Association. He received Ph. D. in University of Aarhus in 1995 and was a postdoctoral fellow in UC Santa Barbara, USA during 1996-1998. In 1998, he joined in University of Aarhus and was a Professor in 2004. His research interest covers thermoelectric materials, nanomaterials synthesized in supercritical fluids as well as in-situ synchrotron radiation studies of particle formation and growth. Prof. Iversen has already published 130 peer reviewed journal publications, including JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., APL etc, 3 patents, 25 peer reviewed conference proceedings and 10 popular science articles.

报告题目:Energy Materials

In this talk, Prof. Iversen will first address the synthesis, crystal structures and physical properties of a range of new thermoelectric materials. The materials have applications in high temperature (inorganic clathrates) and intermediate temperature (zinc antimonides) energy conversion as well as low temperature cooling (iron antimonides). Next a range of nanoparticle systems will be discussed with focus on synthesis in supercritical fluids and in-situ synchrotron radiation studies of particle formation and growth.